Taking the Muni bus from Guerrero street to the CalTrain station

On my first trip to my new work location I took the bus from home to the 22nd street CalTrain station. Nothing too fancy about it, except that my virtual Clipper card on Google Pay didn’t work on checking in - so I had to use my physical Clipper card.

I’ve had this before, so was not too surprised when I also couldn’t check in to CalTrain with Google Pay. Something about the bus reader seems to mark my virtual Clipper card as dirty. Luckily I had a long layover, so I read up online - added some more money to the virtual Clipper card, and then I could check in with Google Pay without problems. There was no lack of funds on it, but I guess adding $10 cleared the blockage. 🤷

Clipper card in Google Waller with an Add Money link at the bottom

So the lesson for future puf: adding some funds to the virtual Clipper card in Google Wallet clears any credit-related blockage.

Still, not a smooth experience - and travel-anxious Puf is already looking for alternative ways to get from/to 22nd street station.


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